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How to Pursue Your Dream While Living a Nightmare - Key Strategies
Develop the resolve to persevere no matter what
How to keep pressing on when gravity pulls you down
How to be more resourceful when you lack resources
How to harness your creative power
How to turn rejection and disappointment into fuel
The Power of P3: Purpose—Passion—Perseverance Key Strategies
Mastering Your Mind to achieve Maximum Results (in every area of your life)
Discovering your gifts, purpose and passion
Persistently pursuing your purpose and passion
The importance of preparation and planning
Finding the right method for your mission
EQ Power - Rocking Your Emotional Intelligence - Key Strategies
Master self-discipline and identify emotional triggers
Build stronger personal and professional relationships
When to walk away and when to fight with all your might
How to avoid and effectively address conflicts and anxiety
Increase productivity with emotional attunement
The Power of Belief - Key Strategies:
Understanding the astounding power of the subconscious mind
Living healthier, better, bolder, and braver
Reconciling your thoughts with your beliefs
How you can stay afloat when everything else sinks
The differences between hoping, expecting, and believing
Develop a Champion Mindset & Live a Victorious Life - Key Strategies
How to recondition your mind for resiliency and victory
How to eliminate self-sabotaging thoughts
How to protect and correct your mind
How to mine your mind and maintain your momentum
How to maintain peace during turbulent times